Drive Innovation with the Patent.Scheck!

20.06.2024, 11:25 Uhr

For those looking to protect their innovations from imitators but unsure if a patent is the right choice, the Patent.Scheck from the FFG offers attractive support for thorough technology and patent research.

Bleib einzigartig | (c) Österreichisches Patentamt

The Patent.Scheck is aimed at SMEs, start-ups, and founders, providing rapid and professional assistance to determine whether an innovation idea is patentable and to understand the current state of the art.

Following this, the Patent.Scheck supports an optional second phase for (inter)national patent applications and monitoring patent applications in the innovation idea’s field.

The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft: FFG) covers 80% of the total costs (up to €10,000). The costs can amount to up to €12,500.

This funding can be applied for continuously and without thematic restrictions.

Objective of the Funding

The Patent.Scheck aims to strengthen the IP competence of startups and SMEs. Collaboration with a patent office enhances access to expertise in intellectual property rights for domestic SMEs, particularly for early “freedom-to-operate” analysis, efficient patent applications, and support for their internationalization activities.


The Patent.Scheck can be applied for once every 12 months. After approval, applicants have one year to interactively clarify patentability with the Austrian Patent Office (mandatory Phase 1). This research also helps review existing solutions for the respective problem, differentiate from potential competitors, refine the idea, and establish a clear direction where no patent or existing technological solution exists.

If the Patent Office recommends patentability, the Patent.Scheck funds additional services for patent application and patent monitoring (optional Phase 2). The rate disbursement follows the described Phases 1, 2 (interim rate up to 80% of Phase 1 costs and final rate up to 80% of Phase 2 costs).

A European patent application is excluded from Patent.Scheck funding. A clear distinction of the project idea and content from other R&D projects of the company must be evident (checked for multiple funding).


With the new self-test from the FFG, interested parties can find out with just a few clicks if their company can benefit from the Patent.Scheck.


Our intellectual property rights expert, Tina Mäser, is happy to answer questions about the funding and assist with the application via FFG’s eCall.

Photo and Text (c) Austrian Patent Office